Take down fake mobile apps in Google Play // Axghouse AntiPiracy
July 4, 2020
Rutor’s mirror blocked due anti-piracy protection of Heads & Tails travel show
September 4, 2020
Take down fake mobile apps in Google Play // Axghouse AntiPiracy
July 4, 2020
Rutor’s mirror blocked due anti-piracy protection of Heads & Tails travel show
September 4, 2020

Kinokong’s mirror blocked due anti-piracy protection of Unhinged (2020) movie

During the anti-pirate protection of the movie “Unhinged” (2020) from July 27 to August 27, 2020, one of the mirrors of the pirate streaming website kinokong was blocked, the web address of the blocked domain kinokong2.com

Let’s remind, according to the analytical service similarweb.com the specified streaming website has a monthly audience of about 4 million Internet users.

The blocking occurred by the domain registrar Center of Ukrainian Internet Names (UKRNAMES) for violation of the rules.

domain suspended

Streaming website is currently not working.

Kinokong’s mirror blocked due anti-piracy protection of Unhinged (2020) movie
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