The Online-Platform made a decision of which you disagree with?

Appeal decision and reinstate false removal request. We provide efficient processes for settling conflicts with social media companies and search engines. Our rulings support the defense of online human basic rights, democratic principles, and the rule of law.


Our company aim to impartially and fairly resolve/reinstate content removed by false AI platform resolution or unlawful/fake removal request.


10+ years we are inside online removal industry with deep understanding of each process. Our main area of expertise is content sharing and content driven marketing-platforms

Submit appeal 

In case your content/account not violated online platform rules, standards and laws, then we submit appeal to reinstate.

  • Step 1You file a claim

    Your claim must include all necessary information we request to our analyse with supporting documents. Claim must be accurate and correct.
  • Step 2Expertise

    We are deeply investigate removal request, reason of content/account restricted and get our own conclusion. In case your content/account not violated online platform rules, standards and laws, then we submit appeal to reinstate. Time frame for our analyse might take up to 7 business days.
  • Step 3Appeal processing and platform decision

    Online platform processing our appeal. Please note in some cases this might take up to business 14 days. Once decision is done we will inform you additionally by email.

Frequently Asked Questions

Kindly read most frequently asked questions before start process this will save your time and make process easier.
1When can I file a Complaint?
You can file Complaints against moderation decisions of online platforms which include: 1) Decisions whether or not to remove or disable access / restrict visibility / terminate of the content or account. 2) Decisions to restrict the ability to monetise content provided by user.
2Can I submit a Claim regardless of my EU Residence?
You can file a Claim regardless of your place of residence. But if you have a connection with the EU, this will be a significant advantage, since the EU DSA law will be involved in the chain of solving the dispute one way or another.
3How long will take my Claim processing till final decision?
In case of positive appeal decision of online platform without involving EU DSA dispute, it might take up 3-4 weeks. In case of involving EU DSA dispute, it might take plus 90 days
4How much cost AXGHOUSE Claim processing?
Appeal online platform decision (counter notice/appeal process only) without EU DSA out-of-court dispute cost from 299 EUR. EU DSA out-of-court dispute cost additionally from 299 EUR.
5Which online platforms can I submit Claim against?
- Aliexpress - Amazon - Booking - eBay - Google - LinkedIn - Snapchat - Telegram - TikTok - - YouTube
6How can I track Claim status?
We will update you by email at every stage of process.